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How To Flash Using Miracle Box Without Box Flash

This article will help anyone who want to flash Android phones without box. This tip is applied to all MTK Android devices. Miracle box used as alternative of SP flash tool. Miracle box help to flash those Android Phones that did not flashed or detected by SP Flash tool. Some technicians prefer Miracle Box than SP Flash tool because it process many Android devices than others. Unlike SP Flash tool, Miracle box does not need internet connection.

Miracle Box helps you flash Mediatek firmware files and stock ROMs which are in .BIN extension or format. Miracle Box has an edge over Piranha Box, which is its capability to flash firmware packages over many other Chipsets and phone brands.

In this guide you will learn in easy step-by-step approach, how to flash BIN firmware packages with Miracle Box.

  • PC
  • Miracle Box v2.27a -  
  • Mediatek VCOM USB Drivers -
  • Mediatek Phone
  • USB Cable
  • Firmware 

This tip work fine for all computer devices. You must make sure that your computer is well working with all Drivers especially USB drivers. Close other programs during flashing process. Flashing process worked well on Windows 10, 8 and 7.
MTK Drivers or Miracle driver installation tool
These drivers are very important because they act as coordination between phone and computer as well facilitate flashing process. You may download MTK Drivers and VCom Drivers download Miracle driver installation tool. I recommend you to use Miracle Driver installation tool because it contains all necessary drivers needed for flashing.

USB cable
Make sure that you use stable USB cable during flashing. If you use damaged one then your may dead or unbrick after flashing.

Stock ROM
Download latest Stock ROM in according with your phone merk and version. Using different ROM may lead your to unbrick or fail to start or black or white start screen error. Make sure you download stock ROM from trusted sites like needroom and others.

Android phone
Make sure your phone is MTK android devices. This tip is applied to all android smart phones using MTK chipset.

How to Flash MTK Android Devices Using Miracle Box with Stock ROM Firmware
  • Download Miracle Box from the Download Section below this guide.
  • Extract the Miracle Box zip file into a folder on your PC.
  • Locate Miracle loader.exe from within the Miracle Box folder and double click it to launch the Miracle loader.exe (preferably, launch it as administrator).
  • Wait till Miracle Box opens and the Dashboard is fully loaded.
  • Click the MTK Tab and then, tickets Write. 
  • Select the phone’s chipset from the dropdown sajian e.g MTXXX
    This article will help anyone who want to flash Android phones without box How To Flash Using Miracle Box Without Box Flash
  • Click the folder icon visible to you.
    This article will help anyone who want to flash Android phones without box How To Flash Using Miracle Box Without Box Flash
  • In the window that pops up, browse or navigate to the folder where you have the stock ROM firmware for the MTK Android device you wish to Flash and select the firmware for the phone model. It should be in .bin format and then click Open it.
    This article will help anyone who want to flash Android phones without box How To Flash Using Miracle Box Without Box Flash
  • Click the Start button. 
    This article will help anyone who want to flash Android phones without box How To Flash Using Miracle Box Without Box Flash
  • Switch off the phone (with a charged battery inside it) then connect it to the PC via USB cord. Miracle Box should detect the phone almost immediately.
  • Miracle box should begin flashing the firmware, wait till it gets to 100%.
  • Once it gets to 100%, close Miracle box and disconnect the phone.
By now, you have successfully flashed stock ROM firmware on your MTK Android device using Miracle Box.
Sumber https://firmwareflashphones.blogspot.com/