Firmware Vivo V7 Stock Rom 100% Tested
Download Firmware File Vivo V7, Download Zip File Or Rar Then Extract In Your PC / Computer, Then Install USB Driver On PC / Laptop. This Stock Rom Firmware Vivo V7 You Can Use To Overcome Bootloop, Hank, Restart, Die and others
Download Firmware Stock ROM Vivo V7:
File Name:
Size: 2GB
How to Flash Vivo V7 Using QFIL: Step By Step Guide :
- Download fFirmware Vivo V7 and install USB Driver Vivo V7 and install QFIL on your PC. You can download QPST from here.
- Download Qualcomm android device drivers. If your device has been bricked; either that it displays QHUSB_BULK 9008, QHUSB_BULK PID_9008, QHSUSB_BULK 9006, CS Emergency or any other similar message, it is necessary that you install Qualcomm HS-USB Drivers on your PC. You can download HS-USB Drivers from here.
- Download the Stock Firmware for your Qualcomm android device. NOTE: QPST QFIL can flash .mbn and .bin files with .xml file map only.
- If the firmware you downloaded is compressed in a .zip or .rar file, decompress/unzip the firmware you downloaded in a folder on your PC.
- Now, remove the battery from your phone. If the phone battery is sealed (not removable) power off the phone and connects your phone to the PC using its compatible USB Cable.
- Now, launch/open QFIL by i- go to Local Disk C:/ >> Program Files >> Qualcomm >> QPST >> bin >> QFIL.exe and open QFIL.exe as Admin, ii- Click iCon >> All Programs >> QPST >> QFIL and launch/open it.
- When QFIL is launched, it should display your connected phone's mode and its COM port.
- On QFIL, locate Programmer Path and click Browse, navigate to the folder where you have UNZIPPED your phone's firmware and select the eMMC programmer file. It should be like prog_emmc_firehose_8x10.mbn or something similar
- Locate Load XML and click it. QFIL will automatically open your firmware folder. If it doesn't, navigate to the firmware folder and select rawprogram0.xml and again, select patch0.xml.
- Finally, locate Download and click it. If all the configurations are correct, QFIL will begin writing/loading the selected stock firmware partitions on your phone
Read More...=> How Flash Uses QPST / QFIL With Image
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